One of the great joys of summer are rich, decadent mayonnaisey salads. There, I said it, I flipping love mayonnaise. The tang, the way that it unites ingredients seemingly as foreign as broccoli and raisins, the versatility in everything from sweet to savory, mayonnaise is truly the gift that keeps on giving. These Vegan Oyster Rolls are perfect on a hot summer’s day by the beach, at a lazy afternoon picnic, or after a day of swimming.

Better yet, regular oysters are typically not delicious in the summer because it is spawning season, so this summery salad is a hit with both plant and meat eaters.

Oyster Mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms are meaty little morsels packed with Vitamins B3, B2, B5, copper, potassium, phosphorus. There is evidence that oyster mushrooms may lower triglycerides in animal models, reduce inflammation, provide antioxidants, and support brain health.

Oyster Mushrooms provide the base of the salad for the Vegan Oyster Rolls. Then we combine the crunch of celery, the brightness of lemon and dill, and the earthiness of parsley, mustard, and red onion with the briney, saltiness of capers for a flavorful summer salad.

Serving the Roll

Selection of the bread is important to this dish. Traditionally an eggy, buttery brioche would be the bread of choice for this roll. But for those who are staying vegan, look for the softest bread you can find. While we want to griddle the bread and get some crunch to it, the bread needs to be squishy enough so the filling doesn’t simply slide out the end of the roll on first bite.

These Vegan Oyster Rolls remind me so much of fresh seafood at the dock that all I want to eat along side them is French fries or onion rings and a fresh ginger lime-aid or a fizzy mojito.